CAS or JA-SIG Central Authentication Service at GT

CAS or JA-SIG Central Authentication Service 

Was implemented at GT by OIT in 2008 to replace a legacy Webauth system, and it’s project goals are below.
It's purpose is to provide
-	enterprise single sign on service
-	An open and well-documented protocol 
-	An open-source Java server component 
-	A library of clients for Java, .Net, PHP, Perl, Apache, uPortal, and others 
-	Integrates with uPortal, BlueSocket, TikiWiki, Mule, Liferay, Moodle and others 
-	Community documentation and implementation support 
-	An extensive community of adopters 

Detailed Information can be found at

This GT implementation of Jasig CAS will use central GT Account usernames and passwords for authentication for subscribing GT services. 

Business Need(s) to be Addressed

The scope of this project would to provide an alternate web based authentication service to our current Webauth service. This alternate service is an open and community maintained service, which integrates with many services easily and provides not just single - password  but single signon service for those applications. This service would require less maintenance time from our developers, and many products integrate with it with no customization at all.
Business gains:

-Training and documentation are maintained by the JASIG community
-single sign on versus single password authentication
-can use existing infrastructure for usernames and passwords
-will integrate with many of our existing enterprise services
-will improve reliability of the authentication service
-will reduce staff maintenance time  
Basic technical information for GT CAS: 
These are the basic urls that most CAS applications may need for configuration. 

CAS Server hostname:
CAS Port:443 

CAS Login URL        

 Test: [https://]

CAS Service Validate URL
 Note that the type of validate varies if you need SAML data back for your appliation.
 Test: [https://]

CAS Logout URL
 Test: [https://]